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And so IVF#3 comes to an abrupt end. The news didn’t go as I thought it would – I found out today that all 3 of our embryos arrested. How did this happen? All the egg quality supplements, the addition of HGH, and this cycle’s outcome was worse than before! Did my eggs get that much worse in the 4 months since my last retrieval? Or was it just a bad crop this cycle and the next will be better? I’m holding out hope that the answer is the latter. I just know there are good eggs in there – my RE just needs to find them! Initially I was feeling very sad and discouraged. I cried. But I’m not ready to give up. This isn’t the end of my journey.


I’ll be meeting with my RE on Nov. 27th and I hope he had some answers and ideas. Until then I’m going to take care of myself, try to focus on the simple pleasures in life, and hold onto my hope.